Main Songs

March 14, 2008

Native American Diary

Dear diary,
Tomorrow I will return home after 6 years at chrisitan school. I am excited and frightened at the same time. I want to see my family because I have missed them very much, but frightened because I do not know if I will fit in anymore. However, I think they will be very proud of everything I have learned. I was taught english, arithmatic, and writing.
I am most excited to see my father after these many years have passed. I want to show him everything I have learned from the white men because he always wanted me to go far in my life. Yes I admit, not far from the tribe, but how can he deny his son and all his new gifts? And everything my teachers have given me to offer to my tribe about the loving Jesus, son of God?
My teachers otherwise. They say I will not be accepted at first, so it is my duty to tell everyone about God and Jesus and the bible. I know my family will still love me, and will come to understand and love Jesus as I have. He is kind and forgiving; surely they cannot turn him away.
As departing note, I must confess (as against my teachers) I am a native american, and will always be one. I do not want to leave that identity behind, but encompass it into one, great being of american and native american. I will be the one to bridge the gap between the two-to forge a new friendship of understnading between our conflicting societies. Our vast country will not know civil wars; we will not know abandonment and treason; we will not know isolation; and no one will face oppression of themself or thier faction. We are all children of god, and we are all filled with his love deep inside of us. We just need to release this joy upon the world to bring everyone together under his church.
Now I must go to bed as the sun has gone down past the far east hills. I must pray and get good night's sleep for tomorrow I face my family for the first time in 6 years.

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